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Trees From Above

Changing The Landscape of HealthCare

Australian Anaesthetic Care Provider

Sleep dentistry, Office-based, Ambulatory, Day Surgery, Out of Hospital and Mobile

The FIRST fully benchmarked out of hospital Anaesthetic service in Australia.‡ 
Safe, Seamless, and Affordable Anaesthetic Care for all Australians.
Solution-based operations and the best value in the market.


‡ This is compared to all known and discoverable anaesthetic services that provide out of hospital anaesthesia in Australia. At the time of writing (March 2021), the ONLY benchmarked service provider from all available and discoverable services.  

All barriers to market gone
All industry issues covered
Premium patient care

We can pay for set-ups Dental, Radiology, Surgeon, Physician

Problems Solved

For patients, carers and families.

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We are a forward-thinking team and a visionary leader for ambulatory day surgery in the Australian HealthCare sector.


Our aim is to always meet and exceed the expectations of our patients, staff and clinics. To achieve this we have a culture of continual improvement and we benchmark all areas of our operation.


Our Mission is to be the best ambulatory Anaesthetic Care provider in Australia.


NewERAS HealthCare is Australian owned, managed and staffed by FANZCA Specialist Anaesthetists, Registered Nurses and Clinical Nurse Specialists in Anaesthetic Care.

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Our Medical Directors or the organisation are members or affiliates of the following organisations:   

Society for Ambultory Anesthesia (SAMBA)
Society for Ambulatory Anaesthesia Australia (SAMBAA)

American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA US)

Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA Aus)

Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA)

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Image by Hush Naidoo
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